Mind. Body. Artist. Recipes Intro


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It’s time for recipes!

The Mind. Body. Artists. Recipes will be the following
• Fast
• Cheap
• Simple
• Not gourmet, but tasty enough

These are “working recipes” that I use to get healthy food into me as fast as possible so I can get back to art as fast as possible, so I can get paid.

They aren’t going to win any awards but they will keep you healthy while you make art.

I’ve used every recipe on this site and I’ve used many to help reach and maintain weight and fitness goals as well, although that is often their secondary purpose.

I would recommend using these recipes as just another tool in your toolkit. They are all great when you’re slammed with work and don’t want to only eat fast food, but by no means should you think that you shouldn’t take time to enjoy fancier meals when you have time.

You only have one life. Use all your tools to make it a great one. These recipes are just one tool.


Written by Sarah Dahlinger


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