How to Roll Out Your Arms for Tendonitis Relief or Prevention.


Listen to Sarah and Sarah discuss Rolling Out Your Arms.

Besides stretching, rolling out your arms can help relieve arm pain and prevent injury. I’ll show you how.

Things to note:
1. Don’t do this if your doctor has told you to avoid such things
…or if you’re unsure if this is safe for you to do or not. If in doubt, don’t do this, and check with your doctor.

2. Additional Resources
Foam Roller
Myofascial release
Muscle Pain: It May Actually Be Your Fascia
Muscle adhesion
If you’re interested in this topic, these are some articles to get you started on your own research.

If you try the technique, please let us know how it worked out.
Best of luck!


Written by Sarah Dahlinger
Discussed by Sarah Dahlinger and Sarah Forde


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