Welcome, friend!
New content is added on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Slow Cooker Pork Stew
Slow Cooker Pork Stew! Easy to make and tasty, this stew can easily be turned into a vegetarian recipe as well. Huge thanks to Morrighan Corbel for this guest recipe post!
Chicken with Onions
Chicken and Onions! A simple and tasty way to cook up some chicken for dinner. Big thanks to Isabel Veguilla, creator of Coqui Cooking Academy, for this guest post.
All Week Salad
All week salad! It’s good to eat a salad a day for lots of energy, but making one daily can be a pain. Here’s how to get around that.
How to Make All Your Meals for a Week Without Really Trying
Welcome to the world of “I don’t want to try that hard but I still want to eat healthy” meal prep. I will be your guide.
Five Minute Crock Pot Veggie Chili
So you have a crazy deadline but you want to eat healthy. Here’s my recipe for “5 minute Crock Pot Veggie Chili”. It’ll feed you for a week, it’s healthy, it’s very cheap, and you can really make it in 5 mins.
Lavish Bread Mini Wraps
Lavish Bread Mini wraps are an awesome tool to have in your toolkit. Fast. Tasty.
Egg Muffins
It's hard to eat well when you a) don’t like cooking, b) want all recipe prep time to be under ten mins and c) want it to be good for you, and d) this list accurately describes you. But since this is exactly how I view meal prep, I’m continuing my quest to find these recipes, and this one is awesome!
Mind. Body. Artist. Recipes Intro
These are “working recipes” that I use to get healthy food into me as fast as possible so I can get back to art as fast as possible, so I can get paid.