What’s next?! A list of all the ideas we have.


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Hello friends! This is Sarah Dahlinger from mindbodyartist.com and I wanted to read you a list of all the ideas we currently have for posts.

Now, these are in short hand so some of the subjects might not be apparent. However, the main point of this post is to show you that we aren’t going to run out after five posts.

If you have an idea that you’d like discussed, want to be a guest writer, or want to come chat with Sarah and I, please email us via our contact page.

...and here are all our current topics. We’re thinking up more all the time!

Define Who You Are
How to Roll Out Your Arms
Is this what you want to be doing?
Four Way Wrist Curls
Use “and”
Egg Muffins
Five minute crock pot veggie chili
Ice/Hot baths for tendonitis relief
Monthly wrap up
Wrist stretching
Sore back routine
Plank wrist stretch x2
Hip stretching
Roll arches and calf stretching
Heavy/light Art/exercise
The Doubt: Long term injury
The Sadness: Long term injury
Lavish bread mini wraps
Ice/hot baths but as a spa night
Spa day for the artist
Near beers
How to take advice
Owning your true self
What I learned from 52 weeks of lifting
Studio assistant
Half ass chores
How many “perfects” do you need
Not your cup of tea
Swing 20 friends
Hamstring stretching
ABCD days
Workout then meditate
How to deal with impatience
All week salad
My fav apps
Gym in Jan
Sacred birthdays
Productivity book list
Art and grief
Tired vs exhausted
10 studies in 10 days challenge
Monthly challenges
Shoulder stretching
Chest stretching
5 min journal
Online persona
Hurt = study
Mindful chores
Speed journal
Anything worth doing…
One success metric
High quality rest
Two list method


Define Who You Are


Meet Sarah Dahlinger