Welcome, friend!
New content is added on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Slow Cooker Pork Stew
Slow Cooker Pork Stew! Easy to make and tasty, this stew can easily be turned into a vegetarian recipe as well. Huge thanks to Morrighan Corbel for this guest recipe post!
Overcoming Self Doubt and Creative Burnout
We cover so much in our discussion with Jaym Gates. We talk about coming back from a long art burnout, dealing with feelings of not being enough, and more!
Chicken with Onions
Chicken and Onions! A simple and tasty way to cook up some chicken for dinner. Big thanks to Isabel Veguilla, creator of Coqui Cooking Academy, for this guest post.
Interview with Brynn Metheney
Welcome Brynn Metheney to the show! We chat about how working on a goat ranch and having pets influence her work, mental health and how it’s important to be a multifaceted person, and so much more!
All Week Salad
All week salad! It’s good to eat a salad a day for lots of energy, but making one daily can be a pain. Here’s how to get around that.
Interview with Heather R. Hitchman
Welcome Heather Hitchman to the show! Heather talks about the importance of rest while being an independent artist who is making the world of Terratoff!
Let’s talk with a Licensed Massage Therapist about pain while making art.
We are so happy to welcome Abigail McCoy, artist and LMT (licensed massage therapist) to the show!
This is an extremely detailed discussion about why you’re hurting from making art, and how to fix it. A must listen.
Interview with Doug Hoppes
Welcome Doug Hoppes to the show!
Doug made his own IP (ShadowMyths) and is very successful with it. He shares his daily routine, marketing tips, convention tips, and more.
How to Balance Creative Work and Day to Day Work
This is one of my favorite methods of working since it lets you have a win/win situation.
You’ll accomplish your creative tasks, while handling the day to day tasks, while taking breaks for your wrists and arms.
Interview with Iris Compiet
Welcome Iris Compiet to the show. This is an absolutely wonderful chat where we talk about staying true to yourself, overcoming obstacles, and making time for self care.
How to Make All Your Meals for a Week Without Really Trying
Welcome to the world of “I don’t want to try that hard but I still want to eat healthy” meal prep. I will be your guide.
Interview with Loish
We are so happy to welcome Lois van Baarle aka Loish to the show! This is a wonderfully wide-ranging, actionable conversation about Lois’s habits that keep her mentally and physically healthy while she makes amazing art
What I Learned from a Year of Never Missing a Workout.
Here’s what I learned from a year of never missing a workout, and how it’s a lot less hardcore than you think.
Tendonitis Flare Up: Fixed in a Few Days
I had a bad tendonitis flare up.
Here’s how I fixed it in a few days.
Stretch Your Hamstrings: My favorite hack for eliminating low back pain.
Stretch Your Hamstrings
My favorite hack for eliminating low back pain.
Stretch Your Wrists and Forearms
Stretch Your Wrists and Forearms.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Workouts Available.
Five Minute Crock Pot Veggie Chili
So you have a crazy deadline but you want to eat healthy. Here’s my recipe for “5 minute Crock Pot Veggie Chili”. It’ll feed you for a week, it’s healthy, it’s very cheap, and you can really make it in 5 mins.
Lavish Bread Mini Wraps
Lavish Bread Mini wraps are an awesome tool to have in your toolkit. Fast. Tasty.
Four Way Wrist Curls
Four way wrist curls are a great way to strengthen your forearm and prevent tendonitis.
Egg Muffins
It's hard to eat well when you a) don’t like cooking, b) want all recipe prep time to be under ten mins and c) want it to be good for you, and d) this list accurately describes you. But since this is exactly how I view meal prep, I’m continuing my quest to find these recipes, and this one is awesome!