Welcome, friend!
New content is added on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Stretch Your Hamstrings: My favorite hack for eliminating low back pain.
Stretch Your Hamstrings
My favorite hack for eliminating low back pain.
How to Take Advice to Win
Taking advice well can be hard. Here’s how you can use the advice you get to win.
Stretch Your Wrists and Forearms
Stretch Your Wrists and Forearms.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Workouts Available.
Ice/Hot Baths for Tendonitis Relief
Use these ice/hot baths to help combat tendonitis pain more effectively than ice alone.
What does a trout have to do with social media trolls.
Be clever. Don’t take the bait. Make art instead.
Lavish Bread Mini Wraps
Lavish Bread Mini wraps are an awesome tool to have in your toolkit. Fast. Tasty.
Four Way Wrist Curls
Four way wrist curls are a great way to strengthen your forearm and prevent tendonitis.
Is This What You Want to be Doing?
Whenever I get tired or feeling low, I ask myself, “is this what you want to be doing?”
Monthly Wrap Up
Been trying a new thing - monthly wrap up. So things don’t fall through the cracks. Completed on the last day of the month. Reward for the completion of all this boring stuff: the rest of the day off!
Egg Muffins
It's hard to eat well when you a) don’t like cooking, b) want all recipe prep time to be under ten mins and c) want it to be good for you, and d) this list accurately describes you. But since this is exactly how I view meal prep, I’m continuing my quest to find these recipes, and this one is awesome!
Mind. Body. Artist. Recipes Intro
These are “working recipes” that I use to get healthy food into me as fast as possible so I can get back to art as fast as possible, so I can get paid.
How to Roll Out Your Arms for Tendonitis Relief or Prevention.
Besides stretching, rolling out your arms can help relieve arm pain and prevent injury. I’ll show you how.
Define Who You Are
We are constantly bombarded by things we “should” be doing, or are setting standards for ourselves that might not have even been defined by ourselves. In order to balance my life, my career, and my fitness goals, I needed to define who I was.
What’s next?! A list of all the ideas we have.
Will we last longer than five posts? Hell yeah!